Galletas Americanas Chocolate

These are the classic American cookies you’d find in any coffee shop or American bakery. They are soft and chewy in the centre and crispy around the edge. Well, and they have puddles of chocolate everywhere! No weird ingredients and easy-to-follow process. These Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies are truly authentic and come out perfect every time!

As a teenager, I was lucky enough to spend a couple of summers with host families in the US and even luckier that they knew how to cook. The first family were great cooks on both savour and sweet stuff (Denise, the mother, was an artist), the second one was especially great with desserts.


From them, I learned how to make some American classic recipes like Devil’s chocolate cake, soft waffles, brownies… and cookies! Of course, the classic chocolate chip cookies (CCC as they call them) were the ones they made every single week, to which they sometimes added nuts, or swapped the chocolate for Reese’s kisses.

Cómo Hacer Cookies: Receta Al Estilo De Nueva York

From the recipes used by these 2 families, which was in cup measurements by the way, and from the recipe in the first book of the Hummingbird bakery, I have finally come up with the recipe that I am sharing today after a lot of tests. It’s always a good idea to have a Classic Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe in the repertoire :).

These cookies have a crispy edge and are soft in the centre while being 100% cooked. You may like them softer in general or the other way around, more crunchy. To change the texture while keeping the same ingredients, it’s very important to understand how the temperature and baking time affect the result.

The longer we leave them in the oven, the crispier they will be in general. The shorter, the softer and less crispy edge. My recommendation is to be careful not to overbake the cookies! When you remove them from the oven it may seem they aren’t done, but that’s OK, and they really are.

Chips Ahoy! Cookies With Hershey's Milk Chocolate, 1 Pack (9.5 Oz.)

When they are done, they should look paler in the centre and shouldn’t look completely cooked. As they cool, they will settle.

The lower it is, the softer the cookie will be in general and the flatter it will be as well. The higher, the chewer they will be. A too high temperature can result in a very hard cookie base. A midpoint is what allows for that perfect balance between soft, chewy and crispy.

This chocolate chip cookie recipe makes quite a few cookies, but the cool thing is that the dough can be frozen. I always make a full batch, I bake the ones that I am going to eat (or give away) and freeze the rest. This is great for craving strikes, if we have guests or if we go as a guest to someone’s place and want to bring them something.

Cookies De Chocolate Americanas ¡receta Fácil Para Aprender Cómo Hacerlas!

What does the process look like? Once you’ve shaped all the cookies, place the ones you are going to freeze on a non-stick tray (or regular tray with parchment paper) and freeze them for about 30 minutes so that they harden (if they sit longer than that don’t worry, but don’t forget about them!). After this time, transfer the cookies to an airtight container or freezer-safe bag (preferably reusable silicone or reused plastic bag).

When you are ready to bake them, while the oven is preheating, place the cookies on a baking tray and follow the regular baking process that I explain in the recipe :). This short time they spend sitting outside of the freezer will ensure they are not rock hard when they hit the oven, which will allow them to spread out nicely during baking.

These cookies will last fairly well for about a week in an airtight container. However, as time goes by, the crunch disappears and the chocolate hardens. To at least get the chocolate melty again, you can heat them in the microwave for a few seconds or as my friend Llorenç taught me when I gifted here wife with them as a secret Santa present, if you have them with hot tea or coffee, place the cookie on top of the cup or mug for a few seconds ;).

La Cocina De Rebeca: Cookies De Chocolate (galletas Al Estilo Americano)

If you have a problem with your cookies looking too chubby compared to how you see them here, it could be for several reasons:

If you just want them flatter, I wouldn’t refrigerate the dough unless it’s too soft (if it’s too soft, then refrigerate it for just a few minutes), then bake it from being at room temperature. The less cold the dough is, the less solidified the butter in it is as well, thus the cookie will spread faster during baking resulting in a thinner cookie.


On the one hand, it could be because the dough is too “warm”, and therefore soft. For example in summer, the dough can soften quite quickly if leaving it at room temperature for a bit. Baking the dough when it’s soft has a high chance of spreading out over the tray.

Galletas De Chocolate Sobre Fondo Blanco; Galletas Americanas; Tratar Fotografía De Stock

On the other hand, the texture of the butter when we cream it with the sugar also has an impact. It has to be soft to the touch, but not melted.

To begin with, you can use the chocolate type that you like the most, white and milk are fine, just keep in mind that the result won’t be exactly the same. You can also use nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans… to go with the chocolate or replace it completely. Other ideas are Reese’s as I mentioned above, smarties, sprinkles, M&M’s… Whatever you rather :). In any case though, dark chocolate is what makes them really Classic American Style Cookies.

If you make this Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe, be sure to leave a comment and rate it. Hearing from you iseverything! Oh, and don’t forget to tag me onInstagram, I absolutelyloveseeing your creations. Happy cooking!

Galletas Con Chispas De Chocolate Al Estilo Americano

These Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies are soft and chewy in the centre and crispy around the edge and they have puddles of chocolate everywhere! They are truly authentic and come out perfect every time!

Did you make this recipe? Please let me know how it turned out for you! Leave a comment below and tag@on Instagramand hashtag it#.Estas cookies son las clásicas que te encontrarás en cualquier cafetería u horno americano. Quedan blanditas por el centro, crujientes por fuera, y con chocolate derretidito. No lleva ingredientes raros y la técnica es muy fácil. Estas Cookies Americanas de Chocolate son realmente auténticas, clásicas, y ¡salen perfectas siempre!


De adolescente tuve la gran suerte de poder pasar un par de veranos con familias americanas, y aún más suerte de que supieran cocinar. Así como en la primera cocinaban de todo (dulces, entrantes, principales….) y lo cocinaban de cine (Denise, la madre, era una artista), la segunda eran unos cracks con los postres.

Receta: Cookies Americanas De Chocolate

De ellos aprendí a hacer algunas recetas clásicas americanas como el Devil’s chocolate cake, gofres blanditos, brownie… y ¡cookies! Como no, las cookies clásicas de chocolate (CCC como les llaman ellos, de

– chocolate chip son pepitas de chocolate) eran las que hacían cada semana, a las que algunas veces añadían frutos secos, o cambiaban el chocolate por pepitas de Reese’s, esas chocolatinas con crema de cacahuete.

Partiendo de una mezcla de las recetas que usaban estas 2 familias, que además estaba en medidas de tazas y no de peso, y de la del primer libro de Hummingbird bakery, he ido practicando y practicando hasta dar con la receta que os traigo hoy. Siempre va bien tener unas Cookies de Chocolate Clásicas en el repertorio :).

Cookies De Chocolate Al Punto De Sal Cookify Kitchen

Estas cookies tienen un borde crujiente y quedan blanditas por el centro estando 100% cocinadas. Puede ser que a ti te gusten más blanditas en general o, al revés, más crujientes. Para variar la textura manteniendo los mismos ingredientes es muy importante entender como afectan la temperatura y tiempo de horneado.

Como más tiempo las dejemos en el horno, más crujientes quedarán en su totalidad. Como menos tiempo, más blanditas y menos borde crujiente. ¡Mi recomendación es vigilar de no pasarse con el tiempo de horneado! Cuando las saques del horno parecerá que no están del todo hechas, pero esto está BIEN, y sí que realmente lo están.


Tendrían que estar con el centro más pálido y que parezca que no está del todo cocido. Mientras se enfrían se van a asentar.

Receta De Cookies De Chocolate

Como dicen en inglés pero a día de hoy no he encontrado una buena traducción). Demasiado alta puede incluso hacer que la base quede demasiado dura. El punto medio es lo que permite ese balance entre blandita y crujiente por los bordes.

De esta receta salen bastantes cookies, pero lo bueno es que la masa se puede congelar. Yo siempre hago todas las cantidades y luego horneo las que me vaya a comer (o a regalar) y el resto de masa la congelo. Esto va genial por si algún día queremos darnos un caprichito, si tenemos invitados o si vamos de invitados a casa de alguien y queremos llevarles algo.

¿Como sería el proceso? Una vez hayas hecho todas las bolitas con la

Receta De Las AutÉnticas Cookies Americanas Con Chips De Chocolate (blanco O Negro)