Cookies Nutella Receta

So, we all know that cookies are generally one of my most favourite treats in the world… like, out of most bakes, I won’t eat the whole thing. I know, what a shock right?! Just kidding. But most of the time when I bake a cake/dessert/whatever, I will have a few bites of a slice, and then give the rest away.

This isn’t because I don’t like what I’m baking, it’s because I am realistic. I can often bake 3-4 bakes a day, and it gets a little sickening after a while! Also, side note, I actually prefer savoury food. OH MY DAYS the shock that must be on some of your faces whilst you read this… but genuinely, savoury food has my heart.


Anyway, one thing that I will often struggle not to eat the entire batch of, is something cookie related. Cookie bars, or cookies, or anything like that, I adore. I will devour so many, it’s a struggle to move after. This is why I wanted to take cookies on my blog to the next level… gooey stuffed cookies. This time? NUTELLA STUFFED COOKIES.

Cookies Con Nutella

These often sound like they would be a little complicated to bake, but really? They are so incredibly easy. Yeah, you have to wait a little longer as you have to freeze Nutella into little dollops to stuff inside the cookies, but other than that? They are just my usual cookies!

I definitely did not invent the idea of these, and they’re often featured on cafe menus or in places like Starbucks, but I just adore them. They just always look utterly incredible in photos when the Nutella is still runny, and they are probably one of the main definitions of food porn. You just have to have a little faith when making them and don’t be impatient.

I usually get a jar of Nutella, and two teaspoons, and just take a little heap of Nutella out with one, and then scrap on to a lined tray with the other spoon. Stick them in the freezer until solid, and then you can make your cookies and bake to your hearts content. They are obviously best served warm and fresh, but you can reheat them. Or even just eat cold!

Receta De Galletas Con Chispas De Chocolate Rellenas De Nutella

I went for a ‘vanilla’ based cookie dough, aka one without cocoa powder in. I wanted to have more definition in-between the melted Nutella and the Cookie in the photos just you can easily see how delicious they are. You can of course make them into chocolate versions, by swapping out 25g of the flour, for 25g of cocoa powder.

Honestly though, just imagine making a batch of these, leaving them to cool for a couple of minutes so that you don’t burn yourself (trust me, straight from the oven is a mistake), but then having a nice cup of tea, and a warm gooey Nutella stuffed cookie on the side. Okay, maybe a few of them… enjoy! x

©Jane’s Patisserie. All images & content are copyright protected. Do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words and credit me, or link back to this post for the recipe.

Galletas De Chocolate Nutella

Welcome to my Kitchen! I’m Jane, a food writer, photographer and blogger. My goal with this blog is to give you the fun, laughter, confidence and knowledge to bake and cook whatever you fancy! Enjoy! xIncredible 3 ingredient Nutella Cookies! These cookies are unbelievably easy to whip up and make the most delicious, soft, and chewy decadent cookies that are packed full of chocolatey goodness.

Nutella is one of the most delicious chocolate treats ever, right? Smooth, intensely chocolatey, and packed full of nutty hazelnuts. I use it for all sorts from drizzling on top of ice cream, stuffing crepes to making chocolate tarts and cakes but these Nutella Cookies are my latest obsession.

They’re made entirely with just 3 simple, everyday ingredients.The cookie dough literally takes 5 minutes to whip up then all you need to do is roll out the cookies and bake them. In around 20 minutes you’ll have perfect, chocolatey, soft, and chewy Nutella cookies made from scratch and ready to be eaten with a cold glass of milk in no time!

Galletas De Nutella Rellenas

Oh and if you want to amp up the flavor even more I recommend sprinkling some sea salt flakes on top of the cookies once cooled. Sea salt and chocolate are a match made in heaven making these cookies truly irresistible.

Nutella – If you’re like me and could happily eat Nutella by the spoon then you just know that these cookies are going to taste incredible. Other brands of hazelnut chocolate spread will also work although the flavor/sweetness may vary.

Flour – Whether you use organic flour (as pictured above) or not make sure you use white all-purpose flour and not self-raising.

Cheesecake De Cookies Con Nata De Nutella

Egg – I like to use organic free range eggs for all of my baking but it’s not essential for this recipe.


In case you don’t know Nutella is an Italian chocolate spread made with hazelnuts, It’s rich and decadent with a wonderful nutty flavor. Other brands of hazelnut chocolate spread will also work but I can’t guarantee the taste will be as good as using the Nutella brand due to the variations in sweetness and flavor.

Yes, feel free to add in chocolate chips of any kind when you add the flour and fold them into the batter.

Receta FÁcil 】

Yes, you can use peanut butter instead of Nutella but I recommend following my Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe if that’s the type of cookie you are looking for!

Yes, if you want you can prepare the cookie dough in advance and store it in the fridge until you are ready to use it. Then all you need to do is roll out the cookies and bake them.

Absolutely, these cookies freeze really well. Individually wrap them in baking parchment or aluminum foil then freeze, make sure to thaw them completely before serving. You can reheat them in the microwave or oven if you’d prefer them served warm. You can also freeze raw cookie dough before baking.

Galletas De Nutella: Con 4 Ingredientes Y En 3 Pasos

If you’ve tried these Nutella Cookies then don’t forget to rate the recipe and let me know how you got on in the comments below, I love hearing from you!

How to make soft, chewy and decadent Nutella Cookies with just 3 ingredients! Don't forget to check out my step by step photos and tips above to make perfect cookies.


Calories: 169 kcal | Carbohydrates: 22 g | Protein: 3 g | Fat: 8 g | Saturated Fat: 7 g | Cholesterol: 14 mg | Sodium: 16 mg | Potassium: 115 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Sugar: 14 g | Vitamin A: 20 IU | Calcium: 30 mg | Iron: 2 mgEstas galletas con trozos de chocolate rellenas de Nutella son las más fáciles y sencillas de hacer, sin ingredientes extravagantes, así que no te preocupes. Y míralas, super tentadoras, ¿no crees?

Galletas De Chocolate Rellenas Con Nutella

Detengámonos un rato en ese relleno cremoso de Nutella. Bueno, ¿qué más se puede decir del Nutella? esta bueno por sí solo y cuando se combina con esas galletas crujientes por fuera y tiernas por dentro con trozos de chocolate ... ¡oh la la!

Estas galletas son perfectas para fiestas, reuniones y días festivos. Ideales para hacer los fines de semana mientras te pones al día con las series de Netflix.

De verdad lo digo. Estas son las mejores galletas de Nutella y saben mucho mejor que las comprados en la tienda. Confía en mí.

Nutella Cookies, Galletas De Nutella Con Doble Chocolate

Nutella - por supuesto. Yo usé un frasco de 350 g casi entero. Puedes usar otra crema de chocolate similar si quieres.

Azúcar moreno - obligatorio. Probé esta receta usando mitad azúcar blanco y mitad moreno y no me gustó el resultado. Las galletas se extendieron demasiado para mi gusto. El azúcar moreno también las hace mas tiernas por dentro.

Chocolate - chocolate con 55% de cacao para postres o fundir. Puedes, por supuesto, usar el que prefieras. Pero intenta que sea específico para repostería.


Receta De Galletas Nutella Jenny (galletas De Mantequilla)

Por mucho que nos guste ese aspecto, puede ser complicado, si no imposible, meterlo en nuestra masa para galletas sin más. Pero no te preocupes, esto es lo que tienes que hacer.

Si vives en un país caluroso o en tu casa hace demasiado calor, simplemente enfría el frasco de Nutella en la nevera durante unos 30 minutos aproximadamente. O hasta que esté un poco firme.

De esa manera, puedes fácilmente hacer sacar cucharaditas sin que se desparramen totalmente. Luego lleva al congelador. Tener la Nutella con esa forma (y también congelada) hará que sea mucho más fácil rellenar la masa para galletas más tarde.

Galletas De Nutella

Estas galletas con trozos de chocolate rellenas de Nutella son perfectas para las fiestas y celebraciones. Crujientes por fuera, tiernas por dentro y con un cremoso relleno de Nutella. ¡Una delicia!

Publicado originalmente el 20 de diciembre de 2017. Actualizado con nuevo vídeo, fotos, texto y receta mejorada el 20 de noviembre de 2020.