Cookies Red Velvet Receta

Desde mis inicios las Galletas o cookies han formado un apartado muy especial dentro de mi recetario. y me hago una pregunta ¿Que pasa si les damos un toque diferente? ¡Pues aquí está el resultado! Red Velvet Cookies   🍪 

Todos los que ya me seguís en Instagram o desde mi antiguo proyecto de AnaluHomemade ya sabéis que las galletas son unos de mis postres estrellas. La verdad que nunca imagine cuándo comencé a distribuir estos postres a través de delivery en Madrid que tendrían tanto éxito. 


Fues una receta, que pese a ser sencilla, he ido cuidando y haciendo de muchas formas diferentes para lograr la que para mí es una galletita deliciosa.

Galletas Crinkles De Red Velvet

Y dentro de esos muchos experimentos decidí probar con esta variedad de cookies red velvet que como veras son facilísimas de hacer y además quedan deliciosas.

Hoy no quiero entretenerme demasiado así que os dejo la receta para que la podáis hacer paso a paso. Y no os perdáis los Tips del final que os ayudaran a marcar la diferencia 

Me encantaría que compartas tus fotos de esta receta en Instagram y que me etiquetes en @. Me encanta leeros y ver la cantidad de mensajitos y correos que me dejáis todos los días 🙂 ¡GRACIAS!

Levain Bakery Style Red Velvet Cookies

2. Agregamos el resto de ingredientes secos en un bol para mezclarlos y a continuación lo juntamos con la mantequilla y juntamos hasta que consigamos una textura arenosa.

3. Poner el colorante alimentario en el huevo y mezclar hasta que esté rojo, de esta manera vamos a tener un color más intenso y una masa homogénea.

6. Hora de hornear. ponemos las galletitas que previamente tenemos que dar forma en una bandeja con papel para hornear. Las metemos en el horno durante 11 minutos a 180ºC (356ºF).

Cookies Red Velvet O Terciopelo Rojo Craqueladas O No Receta De Graciela Martinez @gramar09 En Instagram ☺💗 Cookpad

Podéis congelar la masa que no uséis sin cocinarla. Para ello os recomiendo ponerla en una bolsita para congelar. Y si os sobra alguna galleta ya cocinada la podéis dejar en un Tupper de forma hermética y os durará hasta 5 días sin problema.

Palabras clave: red velvet cookies receta, red velvet colorante, red velvet thermomix, galletas craqueladas red velvet, red velvet saludable, red velvet cookies, red velvet cookie, galletas craqueladas, galletas red velvet craqueladas, red velvet en thermomix, red velvet con chocolate blanco, red velvet sin azucar, cookies red velvet alma obregon, galletas red velvet rellenas, red velvet sin huevo, thermomix red velvet, galletas red velvet la juani, galletas rojas, … this cookie recipe only took me one try to get right. Usually it takes me at least 3 tries and sometimes even 11 months to perfect a recipe like cake batter chocolate chip cookies. You learn through mistakes, right? All I did was play around with my go-to recipe for double chocolate chip cookies and transformed it into a red velvet cookie dough.

There’s a little bit of cocoa powder, flour, egg, milk, vanilla, brown sugar, and regular sugar. Typical chocolate cookie ingredients. However, I reduced the cocoa powder and replaced it with flour. I added a touch of milk to bring moisture to the dough, as well as used more brown sugar than white sugar. I also slightly increased the vanilla extract so the vanilla flavor is as prominent as the chocolate flavor. The chocolate chips make the cookies even chocolate-ier.

Red Velvet Cookies Recipe

The cookie dough needs to chill. Trust me on this. The cookie dough is much too sticky to bake right after mixing. Do you want thick cookies that don’t spread all over your cookie sheet? Chill your cookie dough.There’s no shortcut!

Once chilled, roll the cookie dough into balls. Make sure there aren’t a lot of chocolate chips right on top of your cookie dough balls. You’ll need to press the cookies down slightly after baking and you don’t want a chocolate mess everywhere. Here is what my cookie dough balls looked like before going into the oven:


The cookies will slightly spread in the oven. Mine sort of looked like cookie mounds after 10-11 minutes. So, I simply pressed them down with my fingers (or you can use a spoon) so they became a bit flatter and had crinkle tops. Then, after I pressed them down slightly, I stuck a few chocolate chips into the tops of each.The chocolate chips melted down into the warm cookie. Let the cookies cool for about 5 minutes on the baking sheet before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Galletas Red Velvet

The best part is that you have complete control over how red you want your cookies. I added about 1 Tablespoon of red food coloring to my cookie dough. If you want less, add less – if you want more, add more. If you’re not a fan of food coloring, leave it out. Skip the chocolate chips and give them a dunk in melted chocolate (or not!) like we do with White Chocolate Red Velvet Cookies. Again, you have all the control over it!

So this recipe sounds pretty easy, right? It is! Just your basic chocolate cookie recipe with a bit less cocoa, a bit more flour, some vanilla, and a sprinkling of chocolate chips. A quick cookie dough chill and boom! You’ll have red velvet cookies from scratch in only 90 minutes.

Sally McKenney is a professional food photographer, cookbook author, and baker. Her kitchen-tested recipes and thorough step-by-step tutorials give readers the knowledge and confidence to bake from scratch. Sally has been featured onOh hey yet another cookie recipe that you have ALL been asking for! I couldn’t resist. It was time for another cookie recipe. I mean, sorry if you don’t like cookies and all… but how can you not?! They’re the best.

Las Mejores Galletas Arrugadas De Terciopelo Rojo: Ricas Y Sabrosas Galletas De Chocolate

These are, obviously, inspired by my NYC chocolate chip cookies, and my triple chocolate NYC cookies. These two recipes are SO GOOD and honestly, I’m astounded by how many of you already made them.

The thing is, since posting them, I am getting so many requests over and over for other versions – and by far one of the most popular requests was these. Red velvet cookies. I of course, was more than happy to oblige. Partly because I’d already made them!


These weren’t to be posted for a while – I do like to try and spread my recipes out a bit, have a bit of variation… but here we are. I like to give you what you want! These are gooey, they’re stuffed with white chocolate chips, and they have the wonderful red velvet flavour!

Nyc Red Velvet Cookies! Recipe

Red velvet, if you weren’t sure, is a mix of chocolate and vanilla – and red. The red colour typically comes from the mix of red food colouring, vinegar and buttermilk. These are classic, and feature in my red velvet cake and red velvet cupcakes.

When it comes to cookies though, you can’t treat them quite the same way, otherwise it wouldn’t be a cookie! Or at least, it wouldn’t be New York style chunky delicious cookie that we all want and adore so much.

Honestly these basically are a marriage of my two other NYC Cookies, but then influence by my other red velvet recipes. It’s a giant happy delicious mush of recipes. That doesn’t sound good when I phrase it like that… but it really is AMAZING.

Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies

One of the MOST IMPORTANT THINGS EVER when it comes to red velvet… is using the correct food colouring. I will say this now, as I do on all my other red velvet recipes… supermarket food colourings suck. They just don’t work.

No matter how many times I say that, people still use them, and people still complain that things aren’t red. I can’t help you with that… my advice in these posts is there for a reason! I do realise that buying food colourings online can be faffy and more expensive, but there is a reason – they are SO MUCH BETTER.


My favourite red food colouring is this one. It’s the only one I use for red velvet recipes now! Honestly, I always make sure I have some in the cupboard. The reason it’s so good, is that you only need to use a small amount to get the recipe to work.

Red Velvet Cookies De San Valentín

It costs more than others, but you use less – therefore it equals out. You can use others… such as this christmas red, or even this wilton version – but my favourite by that is this one. I find with the others you need to use at least double in the recipe, and sometimes they’re still not as good.

Because these are just cookies, the other ‘red velvet’ bits are simplified some what. You still have the cocoa powder, and the vanilla – to get the red velvet flavour, and you of course have the food colouring… but the buttermilk and vinegar is lacking. Luckily, because these are cookies, you don’t need it.

I use white chocolate chips because the colour makes me thing of cream cheese frosting, and I love the colour contrast – but you can use whatever type of chocolate you want. Milk, dark, flavoured and so on! You can also use a bar of chocolate that you chop up!

Homemade Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies

©Jane’s Patisserie.