Cookies Chocolate Veganas

Vegan chocolate cookies, the best vegan cookies in the whole world. They're thick, soft and fudgy and made with just 9 simple ingredients.

Today I want to share the best vegan cookies recipe ever with you guys. I'm so proud of this recipe and after several tries, I've found the perfect chocolate cookies, which are one of my favorite treats at the moment.


These cookies are not an every day sweet, but they're great to indulge and enjoy sometimes. In addition, they're vegan and made with whole wheat flour, so at least they're a little bit healthier than the classic chocolate cookies, yay!

Vegan Chocolate Cookies

I'm a HUGE chocolate lover, but Alberto isn't. I mean, he also likes chocolate. However, some chocolate desserts are too bitter for him, but not this one. He LOVES these cookies so much!

I've used simple and easy to get ingredients, but this recipe is not gluten-free. If you want to make a gluten-free version, you could use a gluten-free blend instead of the whole wheat flour.

I would combine buckwheat or brown rice flour with gluten-free oat or almond flour. Brown rice flour + oat flour is my favorite combo, though.

Vegan Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

These vegan cookies are delicious with a glass of milk (oat milk is my favorite plant milk to drink just by itself), especially if you dunk them in the milk. They're out of this world!

You can see one cookie just before baking in the picture below. Hope you find it helpful and I also hope you give these cookies a try and enjoy as much as we did.

Pleaseleave a comment below, share it, rate it or tag a picture @ on Instagram and hashtag it# . We’d love to see what you cook!

Chocolate Chip Soft Cookies, Vegan & Gluten Free, 5.5 Oz Galletas Suaves Con Chispas De Chocolate,

Serving: 1 cookie | Calories: 157 kcal | Carbohydrates: 8.2 g | Protein: 2.9 g | Fat: 8.2 g | Saturated Fat: 6.7 g | Sodium: 110 mg | Fiber: 2.7 g | Sugar: 9.7 gLas galletas veganas con chips de chocolate son una excelente opción para aquellas personas que quieren disfrutar de un postre delicioso, pero sin tener que recurrir a ingredientes de origen animal. En este artículo te enseñaremos cómo preparar estas deliciosas galletas en casa, utilizando ingredientes veganos y saludables. ¡No te lo pierdas!

Menuda racha llevo de recetas dulces… A partir de ahora intentaré publicar más recetas saladas, pero es que esta receta de galletas veganas tan deliciosa no me la podía guardar más tiempo para mi. ¿Quieres acompañarla con una bebida caliente original? Entonces tienes que probarlas con nuestra receta de café de calabaza, ¡está tremendo!

Publiqué esta receta hace unas semanas en Instagram (si aún no me sigues, puedes hacerlo aquí), ¡y aluciné con la respuesta de la gente!. Me han escrito por privado diciéndome que nunca antes habían probado unas galletas tan espectaculares y fáciles de hacer, así que espero que te pongas manos a la obra y, si decides hacerlas, ¡déjame un mensajito y me harás muy feliz!.


Instarecipe •galletas De Chips De Chocolate Veganas

La respuesta es sí. Como tienen una buena dosis de grasa (leche de coco), aguantarán perfectamente 3-4 días en la nevera hasta que les des forma y las metas al horno. Aunque mi recomendación es que hagas menos masa para que las puedas hornear en cuanto las tengas listas.

Yo no te lo recomiendo… Tardas muy poquito en hacerlas, así que lo mejor es que las prepares el día que vayas a consumirlas. El chocolate derretido por dentro es un bocado de otro planeta, ¡y dudo que se mantenga ese juego de texturas si las congelas!.

Si ya has hecho estas galletas veganas caseras con chips de chocolate , ¡me encantaría ver cómo te ha quedado! Deja un comentario más abajo, compártela o sube una foto a Instagram utilizando el hashtag #.

Receta De Galletas De Chocolate Veganas

Si buscas un postre saludable y delicioso, las galletas veganas con chips de chocolate son la opción perfecta. En este artículo te contaremos todo lo que necesitas saber para prepararlas en casa.

¿Te gusta el tofu? ¿Y el pesto? Si la respuesta es sí, entonces te va a encantar esta receta de tofu al pesto que te ...If you’ve been looking for the best vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe, your search is over! You don’t have to refrigerate the dough, so you can just roll and bake. These vegan cookies bake up thick and chewy, with crisp edges!


Like most people, I LOVE cookies! They’re one of my favorite things to bake, eat and gift! There’s nothing better than seeing the look on someone’s face when you give them a fresh batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Warm, sweet, and so gooey… what’s not to love?

Las Mejores Cookies Veganas

More than a few of my friends live vegan lifestyles, so I’ve been feeling inspired to create a delicious recipe for soft and chewy vegan chocolate chip cookies! I wanted the recipe to taste just like my classic everyday chocolate chip cookies, but be made with cruelty-free ingredients that everyone can enjoy.

And guess what? After exactly 7 recipes fails, I did it!!! And it was worth the work, you guys. Because these are the most wonderful vegan chocolate chip cookies ever. REALLY! The best part of this recipe is that these cookies taste so much like traditional chocolate chip cookies, no one even knows they’re vegan. In fact many of my friends have told me these are the best cookies I’ve ever baked. And I bake a TON of cookies.

And if you REALLY love coconut, try adding a 1/2 cup of toasted coconut flakes to the cookie dough. It’s a coconut lovers dream!!!

Galletas Saludables Veganas Sin Gluten Con Chispas De Chocolate

If the cookie dough appears too sticky, add in a little more flour. And if your cookie dough appears too firm, add in a little more non-dairy milk. It should be soft but not mushy, and firm but not hard. Basically it should look like traditional cookie dough. Unfortunately, I don’t suggest freezing this cookie dough. I’ve done it a few times in the past with not great results. But the vegan cookies will “keep”, stored in an airtight container for a few days. And you can definitely freeze the baked cookies!


There are a ton of vegan and dairy free chocolate brands out there these days! Some are great, and others aren’t… so I suggest trying out a few and finding a brand that you really enjoy. And of course, you don’t have to use chocolate chips. Chocolate chunks would also be delicious in these cookies! And if your not 100% vegan, you can use any chocolate brand you want. I’m not vegan, so I often use my favorite Lindt dark chocolate to make (almost) vegan chocolate chunk cookies. We also love the enjoy life brand!

If you can’t find vegan chocolate chips or chocolate chunks in your local grocery store, search online. I know amazon sells vegan chocolate chips and chocolate bars.

Galletas Eco Veganas De Chocolate Con Nuez Y Avellana (12 Ud)

The remaining dry ingredients called for in this cookie recipe are pretty basic! Flour, light brown sugar, baking powder, and salt. I haven’t tried making these gluten free, but I’ve been told by several readers that 1-for-1 gluten free flours do work well in this recipe. So if you’re gluten intolerant, it might be worth experimenting with. Almond flour and coconut flour should not be used in this recipe! They will not work. Whole wheat flour may be used, but the cookies will be much darker in color and a little less chewy.

In addition to the flour mixture, you’ll also need applesauce and non-dairy milk. I’ve had the best results with full-fat coconut milk (the kind that comes in a can), but almond milk and even soy milk will work in a pinch. I haven’t tested this recipe with homemade applesauce, but as long as it’s unsweetened, I think it should work. I also think an equal amount of very ripe mashed bananas would work as a replacement for the applesauce. But this would definitely add a banana flavor. So experiment at your own risk.

I like to press a few extra chocolate chips on top of the warm vegan chocolate chip cookies right when they come out of the oven. This step is optional. Personally I can never have too much chocolate in, ON, or around my cookies lolol. But I’m a chocoholic… so that shouldn’t come as a surprise. You can also sprinkle the cookies with flaky sea salt, which adds a nice flavor contrast. And if you really want to go over the top, pick up some vegan ice cream and use these cookies to make homemade vegan ice cream cookie sandwiches. You’ll thank me for that little tip this Summer haha.


Vegan & Protein Cookies Con Chispas Sabor Chocolate

The hardest part of this recipe? WAITING FOR THE COOKIES TO COOL!!! I suggest cooling these cookies at least 15 minutes before moving them from the baking sheet. But they taste the best when you wait at least 30 minutes before eating them, so I suggest placing them on a cooling rack to firm up for a bit. This brief cooling period allows the cookies to firm up a bit, but they’ll still be warm and gooey when you bite in.

If you try this perfect vegan chocolate chip cookies